Mashy Niblicks

When I started this blog, it contained the sum total of all the knowledge of mankind. Unfortunately, each time I add a posting, a small amount is subtracted from that sum. Oh well. Can't be helped. What-uh-ya-gonna-do? The Doctor... By the way, the following are the conventional definitions of Mash-y Nib-lick: 1) light kisses on the neck from an unwanted suitor; 2) strained peas.

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Location: Shingle Springs, CA, United States

The title "Doctor" was conferred upon me by associates who understand that I have at least some knowledge about… well… everything. My knowledge isn’t as deep though, as it is wide. I don’t know a lot about anything in particular. In fact, you could make the case that I know almost nothing about just about everything! And, I’m willing to talk about it. To anyone. Whether they’re interested or not. That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it. I can write about philosophy because I’m a Philosopher. After considerable research, I discovered that in order to be a philosopher, one only has to place the word “Philosopher” after one’s name. That’s it. Voila, you are a bona fide philosopher. Who’s going to argue? Philosophers don’t have some magic wand or secret handshake. They just call themselves philosophers. So, should you wish to know a little – about anything – just say the word. I’ll Google that word and be able to discuss it with you ad nauseam. S. Arthur Yegge, Philosopher

Monday, December 27, 2004

Ball-Finder Glasses

Let's talk first about those ball-finder glasses. Have you seen them advertised in everything from the airlines' SkyMall magazine to Reader's Digest? They have blue lenses or something and cancel out green so you can see a white ball in tall grass. Now that I wrote that I can see that it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I need them to cancel out trees, rocks and neighborhood pools.

Do they work? Has anyone actually taken them onto the links and found a ball? I wouldn't mind springing for the loot if I knew they actually worked. I lose more balls than a driving range.

Fess up, now. You've thought about picking up a pair, haven't you? But, what do you say to your cronies the first time you drag them out of the bag? "X-ray vision, guys. I can see through things with these babies."

Let me know what the verdict is on these things.

S. Arthur Yegge, Philosopher


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